Normally, I head straight for the fantasy/sci fi section to see if they have any new David Eddings books that I have not yet read (and I found one today that was originally $27.95 hardback and sold used for $6.50!) Today, however, I headed into the children section for a trip down memory lane. I absolutely adore looking at the books that I used to read, the books that changed me into the person that I am today. Most of them were magic, of course, such as Half Magic, which my mom used to read a chapter of every night before my sister and I went to bed...

and, my favorite, the Roald Dahl Treasury. I used to own this book but it got lost somewhere and I've never been able to find this again. This is sad because it is something I would love to share with my future children when they get to the age to appreciate the beautiful insanity that is Roald Dahl's genius. (I will pay anyone who finds this book and wants to send it to me!)

When I look at these books, I feel revived again and I wish desperately to someday be one of their number. I would like to publish a book that is unique, one that people will read for years to come.
By the way, my mom discovered the most interesting video that I've ever seen. It's pretty steampunk, although I will mention that it isn't what my book is exactly going for. It's a little sad but a great video. Hope you all like it!
You can do it, anything's possible. I'm working on a book too. It's a tough process I know but it's fun.