Sunday, December 6, 2009

Google Has Issues

This weekend, the student newspaper worked double time so that we could make up for the fact that this coming week is Dead Week. Maybe it's Dead Week for everyone else, but for me it's "you have a final on monday, your paper is due Tuesday, and you have a lot of statistics homework" week. I guess it is better, though, because I really only have 2 finals that I'm taking during the actual finals week and they're spaced evenly on Tuesday and Thursday.

What I'm really excited about is the fact that I'm turning 21 on Friday. My friends from the newspaper and I have been discussing what to do for my birthday. They, of course, want to go out to the bars, in the town where there are 10 million bars to choose from and is known for its drinking on Friday night. I, on the other hand, voted for sushi and sake, because sushi is my favorite food ever. So that's what we'll be doing on Friday. No bar scene. No getting Megan plastered. Just going out to dinner. Yay!

Anyway, since my brain is still pretty dead from all the double-time copy-editing I had to do yesterday (7 hours worth of copy-editing), I'm going to leave this post with an interesting little tidbit.

Google is weird. If you've ever searched its engines, you know that it has this habit of trying to finish whatever sentence or phrase you want to look up. So, I thought it would be interesting to look up a word and see what phrase pops up with it. The results are... kind of odd.

What are these strawberries doing on my nipples, I need them for the fruit salad

Why is my poop green?
Why is there a dead pakistani on my couch

Those who do not learn from history and are doomed to repeat it

i like to tape my thumbs to my hands to see what it would be like to be a dinosaur

Who moved my cheese?

Try this on your own. You might spend hours trying to find something fun, like I did!

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