I hate getting geared up and ready to go and then having to halt without even beginning.
That's how I feel about my writing at the moment. The conference is less that 2 months away and I have promised my self that I would finished my 2nd draft outline by the time that I got there. If not started my second draft already. However, like some brick thrown at my head, I am in need of inspiration.
Oddly enough, this is partially why I am going to the conference. Inspiration. And also to make my second draft sound amazingly fantastic so I dont have to do too much with my 3rd draft. (I don't know how many drafts my novel will take before I am satisfied with sending it to a publishing company.)
If I was 8 again, writing my stories for the first time (I began writing in 3rd grade and haven't stopped since), then I would consider taking my characters aside and having a sit down (or slap down) with them. I would tell Jacob to be more stubborn, Tristen to figure out what was going on, and Ellion to move it a long. But, unfortunately, they wouldn't listen to me. Especially Jacob, since he's been part of my character collection since I was in 4th grade and has not left me since.
My block could be partially due to the fact that I'm at my aunt and uncles, dealing with a screaming 5 and 7 year old when I'm not working at my uncle's restaurant. But that's no excuse! So I will slap myself on the hand and try to finish a chapter outline today.
Speaking of the conference, I had lunch with my grandfather yesterday, who found out that I don't have two cents to keep myself going (which is why I am here, working for my uncle, 5 hours away from my beautiful apartment, my adorable gecko, and my boyfriend). He started asking me all these questions about the conference, like "would it help the writing of your novel" and "what kinds of classes are you taking." Suddenly, before I knew it, he was giving me the money that I needed for the conference, telling me that I deserved it. (Yes... well... I am getting published in September, so I agree with that statement.)
So thank you grandpa for all of your help! I am now even more excited to go since I have the funds to pay the fees!
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