Dear Megan;
Thank you for applying and for taking the time to come in and meeting with us for the position in the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office.
As I'm sure you can imagine we have several applicants therefore making the final decision was not easy. Your interview skills were commendable and you also did well with the writing exercise. However we have offered the job to another candidate. I'm certain with continued persistence and given your experience you will secure a work study or other job oppertunity in the very near future.
Good luck with the upcoming fall 2009 semester.
*Insert Name Here*
Financial Aid and Scholarship Office
So, yes, I got rejected from the job. I remember that as I read this letter yesterday, I wasn't really that disappointed or stressed out about it. I was hoping that I would get the job, sure, because the hours were good and the money was decent but it never really hit me as something else to be stressed out about. There are 2 other work study jobs that I'm going to apply for this week and hopefully, with some luck, I'll be able to find something. What really bugs me about the letter, now that I read it over, is the fact that it lacks punctuation and proper grammar. I mean, hello? The first sentence of the second major paragraph is severely lacking. It's almost painful to read. I almost want to correct the entire thing and send it back to them. I realize they needed to type up a generic letter to send to all of us that they rejected but they could have at least put a little effort into it. Seriously!!!
Oh, and on top of this, when Jo and I went to the mall on Friday, the lady at the Orange Julius place remembered us and asked if we have found jobs yet, to which both of us replied "No." So she said she would dig our resumes back up and give us a call. I hope she will but I kind of doubt it. Anyway, work study is more of what I'm looking for at the moment.
Changing the subject, last night we went to see the Time Traveler's Wife.

I just recently discovered that Eric Bana actually played the bad guy in the new Star Trek film (which I loved, by the way) so I was very intrigued by this movie. Also because I love Rachel McAdams (and Jo's in love with her because The Notebook is his favorite movie of all time). So, after much pleading, we went to see it last night and, I have to say, it was money well-spent.
I knew I would cry. I thought maybe I would cry throughout the whole movie (like you do in The Notebook) but when the tears came at the end of the movie, it was a total relief. And then came the thought of: I need to buy and read this book! because the movie hit me that hard. What really affected me the most (warning: SPOILER) was that, when they were trying to have a baby and continued to have a miscarriage, it was because the baby kept trying to time travel out of the womb. How amazing is that? The author must have put so much thought into this book.
So, now, after writing prompt #3, I'm inspired to work on my own novel. I'll leave you all to my latest edition of crazy prompts while I run off to go and play writer. (By the way, just so you all know, I'm a novel writer so writing these 1 page or less prompts has been very difficult for me and, because I do them on a whim, I'm unsatisfied with most of them. So if you don't like them, chances are that I had a tough time with them too because I either wanted to make them longer or just not approach the subject.)
Prompt #3: “You know, they invented a word for guys like him.”
“What? Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?”
“No. Imaginary.”
Jane looked down at her computer and then glanced back up again at Linda and Kristina. “You’re going to hurt his feelings if you say stuff like that. He’s a very sensitive soul, you know.”
Kristina took Jane by the shoulders and gave her a hard shake. “No, you’re sensitive. Bruce is not real, do you understand? He’s fake.”
“But he’s real to me.”
“She’s hopeless.” Linda took Kristina by the arm and let her towards the apartment door. “She’s in love with a character she’s writing about. We can’t help her now. Maybe when Valentines Day rolls around, we might be able to get her a blind date or something…” They exited the apartment.
Jane released a sigh of relief, pushing back her long bangs that had fallen into her face just as her closet door open and out stepped Bruce, looking highly uncomfortable. “Did you have to stick me in the closet?” he asked as she flew into his arms, burying herself in his shirt. “It smells like old shoes in there.”
“They wouldn’t understand even if I tried to explain it to them,” she replied. “They would call me crazy and stick me in some mental institution and lock me up forever. My own friends.”
“Yes, yes…” He patted her on the head, like a good little child and wrapped his arms around her waist. “That’s the downside to schizophrenia. But, on the other hand, you have me. And I’m much more important than they are.”
Jane nodded in agreement and then settled down on the couch with Bruce for another long night of watching movies and talking until the sun came up. “Imaginary. Hah,” she said to herself. “I bet they couldn’t get anyone better.”
I thought this was very fun and cute!