Monday, September 28, 2009

Human Sexuality

There are some very dumb people in this world.

I realize that my Human Sexuality class is a GE class and that most students taking it are freshman or sophomores. I'm not, though. I'm a junior. I'm taking this for my major. I am genuinely curious about the human body and how it works. I am excited to find out about what drugs do to your brain. I wish I wouldn't have to read a textbook to find out but it interests me. So, when people ask me truly dumb questions, all I want to do is ask them if they went to high school.

For example, before my first major Human Sexuality test today, a girl (not blond and I'm not stereotyping) was asking some of us to give her some of the answers on the study guide.

Girl: Do you know what andosperm is?
Blank stares all around me.
Me: It's male sperm.
Girl: And gynosperm...
Me: Female sperm.
She stares at me like I've just shocked the poo out of her, so I decide to explain.
Me: You know. 'Cause the guy produce both sexes, xx sperm or female sperm and xy sperm or male sperm. It's the guy's sperm that decide whether or not the baby is going to be male or female.
Girl: Wow... how do you know so much?
Me: *blink blink* Uh... well... I... uh... took a lot of science classes in high school.

And I really only took physical science, biology, and chemistry but SERIOUSLY, PEOPLE? Not knowing that the whole reason why women need men is because of their sperm to complete the whole baby-making and gene/chromosome deciding process? Seriously??

I am dumb-founded.

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