Sunday, October 11, 2009

I'm There for the Entertainment

I'm really supposed to be working on my journal article review but I thought I would take a quick sidestep for a moment or two to describe to you all a point of interest, annoyance, and humor that has been growing in my life over the past few months.

"What could it possibly be?" you ask.

Facebook advertisements.

I've been on Facebook for about... oh... 4 1/2 years. Never did I pay any attention to those advertisements that hang out on the right-hand corner of my screen until recently. I'm not sure if that was because in high school (and junior college) I was more of a popular person and concentrated more on what people had written on my page and less on what was on the edges. However, I can tell you with honest that, lately, I look forward to logging onto my Facebook account JUST to see if I can find an advertisement that will trump yesterday's winner. Now, I realize that they tailor these advertisements to fit each person's Facebook page (because they want you to click on them) so I'm assuming that the reason why I would find something like this so particularly funny is because these advertisers think they know me... yet they really don't. So, will all this in mind, let's look at today's top advertisements:

Be An Egg Donor Angel: Financially, emotionally rewarding

I've already talked this one over with my mother. She thinks that getting through college by donating my eggs would NOT be the way to go. "Wouldn't it frighten you to know that you have a kid running around out there?" she asked me. "Naw..." I replied. "It's the good of the cause!"

Chatterberries - Your Wedding and Bridal Network as Original as You: Online bridal network and planning resource guide like none other. Latest in wedding news, fashion, and more.

Wait... when did I say I was engaged? (By the way, stuff like this will start showing up on your page the moment you change your status from "single" to "in a relationship.") What's great about this was that I was able to show it to the boyfriend and say, "See? Even Facebook says that we should get married!" It's a real mood killer, my friends.

Dawn Price Baby: Strollers, gifts, gear, carriers, toys, and more. 

Wait... now, I'm supposedly pregnant? How did that happen?

Learn from Jesus: Text "Amen" 2 "Jesus"

Jesus has a cell phone? SWEET! I'll text "Amen" to that!

Libreria Legado: Una repuesta a la necisidad de difundir la produccion intelectual centroamericana al mundo.

I took 3 years of Spanish, none of which I remember. The last time I took a Spanish test was... spring of 2006?

And today's winner?

Track Your Boyfriend: Wonder where your boyfriend is? Suspect that he's cheating on you? Click here and track his location!

Because women deserve the right to be unnecessarily paranoid!!

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