Sunday, October 18, 2009

Writing on the Edge

I just realized that the whole theory to life is, "Ask and you'll find out if you'll recieve."

It's actually, "Wait and see if the opportunity presents itself."

I met with my NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) group today to discuss semantics. We worked out two days every week to meet and where we were going to meet. Our ML (Municipal Liaison) had lots of great ideas of where to meet or contests we could have and I can already tell that I am going to like these ladies a lot. I'm a little sad that we don't have any males in our group right now; I'm hoping that putting up posters around school and an article in the newspaper might do the trick but I'll find out this week whether or not the university is ok with me doing all of that. We're all really excited to start and I actually forgot that it was the middle of October, not November. *claps hand to forehead* Silly me!

What I just discovered, however, was that I actually get to go to the one event that I was SURE that I wouldn't be able to attend this year. The NaNoWriMo Night of Writing Dangerously on November 22 in San Fransisco costs about $200, which I don't have and which is supposed to be sponsored, something I doubt I'll have happen. Anyway, if you get the $200 to go, for $300, you can bring a guest. One of the women in my group has really bad night vision and wanted to know if someone wanted to pay the guest price (of $100) and go in on driving her down to San Fransisco so that she could go. I totally jumped at that opportunity. I'm positive I can scrounge up $100 (compared to $200) somewhere to have an amazing 6 hour novel-writing experience, complete with a buffet dinner, a chance to get a professional author's photo, and conversation with TONS of other writers.

So there you have it. My month (which has been awesome due to HvZ, Writer's Conference, and NaNoWriMo) has gotten even better. I cant wait for November to start.

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