Tuesday, August 25, 2009

And the Saga Continues...

Day 2 of Hell.

I really don't enjoy complaining on this blog (and I feel that's all I've been doing for the past few days) but today really sucked. And it's not even noon yet.

I didn't get any sleep last night. Apparently, I am allergic to the medication that the doctor at the Health Clinic gave to me yesterday. If you ever want to kill me, all you have to do is give me a large shot of doxycycline and I'm finished. Tossing and turning and severe stomach pain (that I still have, unfortunately) and nausea (with the desire to vomit but, unfortunately, the world is not that kind) led me to go back to the Health Clinic this morning (with Jo this time, who drove me there, but had to leave early for a class so I had to walk home anyway).

And... what a surprise! The doctor who had drugged me up yesterday wasn't even here today. I sat in the waiting room in silence, contemplating suicide every time my stomach gave me a new jab to remind me just how much I loved it. Finally, the doctor called me in and, fortunately, she was very sympathetic. She even used a line that I was going to use - "This has just not been your week" - so all I could come up with was, "Tell me about it" and proceed to grumble to her about how the medication messed me up last night and the fact that I have a night class tonight that I'm not looking forward to due to the pain that my stomach has been enjoying giving me.
"What classes do you have?" she asked.
"Yoga." I sighed. "I don't want to go."
"Well, I'll give you a doctor's note for that. What else do you have?"
"Drugs in Our Society."
Seems a little ironic, don't you think? I could totally give a lecture today about how much drugs mess you up.

She tried to put me on another oral medication but I refused, telling her that I didn't want to take any more pills if they were just going to mess me up. So we settled on a cream, she gave me instructions to be on a strictly soft foods diet, and then she let me go.

I walked home, somewhat happy about the whole soft foods thing because I absolutely LOVE apple sauce and this means I have an excuse to buy and eat all of the apple sauce that I could ever want. Saltines, too, but I love apple sauce more. However, my happiness immediately faded when I walked in the front door. I logged onto the student job web site and got this little gem:

Your account has been disabled. Please contact your Career Services Office for additional service.

WHAT????? I just logged on last night! I just applied for a job! What do you mean I got kicked off?? What have I ever done to them? Raaaaaaaaggggeeeeee!

So, now, I have a very short period of time in which I need to take a shower, bike to school, visit the Career Service Office, try not to get angry (despite the fact that my stomach tells me otherwise), find out whether I have still applied for that job that I'm qualified for, visit the school newspaper for Copy Editor info, go to my yoga class, come home, go get worms for Esther, eat, and go back to school for my Drugs lecture. And I just spent fifteen minutes telling you all of this, dear reader, hoping that somebody has sympathy for me. This is one of those days where I need a hug.

Fun filled.

I hate complaining on this thing but, today, I really don't give a darn.

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