Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

School is less than a week away and, suddenly, my life is busy again! I got filled in for the position as the second copy editor for the features page of the school newspaper so I spent all morning getting that set up. Apparently, I got all of the corrections right on the exercise that the chief copy editor sent to me, I just lacked a bit in the AP Style stuff, so I now have to memorize the AP style book by next week. My inbox for my email has been full because I have several different email addresses being forwarded to it so I can keep track of 3 or 4 different addresses in one inbox instead of going to all 3 or 4. Stories start being sent out for copy editing on Friday evening and they are due by Saturday evening so I have to get crackin' on those when they come in.

On top of this, there is a mandatory staff meeting next Monday, during the first day of my Human Sexuality class, so I had to contact my professor and ask if I could get out of class a bit early in order to go to the meeting. Apparently, the newspaper isn't just extra curricular, it's actually a class so the meeting is covering how I can get signed up for it. She (my professor) was not at all happy about it but she said that I could go if it was this one time only.

My inbox has also been filled with a lot of safety instructions from the college. Apparently, last Friday, a girl got raped by two guys just off of campus as she was walking home in the evening. I'm promising you all now that I will not be biking home alone at night. I have one class that goes until 9pm and Jo has already promised that he will come meet me and bike me home. Still, the whole thing is totally freaky and school hasn't even started yet.

Also, on the prompt side of things, I couldn't bring myself to write the prompt that Jo gave me, so he will be picking a new one for tomorrow. The one I was supposed to write was this: A couple on the brink of a nasty divorce gets snowed in together during a blizzard. Stay tuned for tomorrow's prompt!

1 comment:

  1. Promise me you will NEVER walk or bike home alone. I want my girl to be safe!
