Sunday, August 9, 2009


This is my last real day at my aunt and uncle's house and it is yet another day where I wake up with some crazy adventure due to Mary and Zac.

This morning, I was attempting to stay asleep with loud voices coming from Mary's bedroom (or loud voice because Zac talks like he's standing in the middle of a concert at 8 in the morning) when I hear this:
Zac: And then you can work at daddy's restaurant and make a lots of money and buy tons of cars and...
So I got up, not bothering to put my glasses on, and padded over to Mary's bedroom. Zac looked up at me and I had the inclination that he probably looked a bit worried but I couldn't see. They forget that I've been sleeping in the living room for the past two weeks.
Me: Zachary, are you telling Mary to work at daddy's restaurant?
Zac (in his matter of fact way): Well, Mary gave me her money and I told her that if she wanted to make more money, she could...
Me: You took Mary's money again?
Zac: She gave it to me.
Mary: I gave it to him.
Me: Why?
Me: Ok, Zac, you need to give Mary back her money. And you need to earn your own money, not trick your sister into giving her money to you. That's bad. Understand that?
Zac: Well, she... she wanted a car so I told her that if she gave me her money I...
Me: No. You need to give her money back to her now.
Mary (wailing): he doesn't have it with him!!!!
Me: Do you know where the money is? Good. Go get it.
He returns with it.
Me: Ok, now, tell me again why Mary should work at daddy's restaurant?
Zac (cautiously now): Well... I was telling her that... if she wanted to make more money...
Me: Zac, she's FIVE. She wont be working at daddy's restaurant for a long time!
Zac (refuses to look at me even though I asked him to): Yea.......
Me: Ok, well, you need to let Mary buy her own cars and you need to earn your own money. Mary, you need to put that money away.
Mary: Well, the bottom of my flamingo bank is gone and...
Me: I already told you that I would put tape on the bottom of it.
Mary: Well, if we put paper AND tape then...

And hence, my morning went forth in the same type of way. I'm happy and sad that I'm leaving these two. Happy that I will be able to sleep in when I get home but sad that I'll miss putting these blog posts up for all of you to read.

On the flip side of this, I've discovered that I am lactose intolerant. This started when I moved up north and Jo and I visited Baskin Robbins (because we didn't have one where i used to live and it was my favorite ice cream place as a kid) and I started getting naucious from the ice cream. I bought some lactose pills and they seem to help a little but not that much. Especially this morning, when I didn't take a pill to see how milk and cereal would affect me and I feel sick. So it looks like my newest adventure is finding calcium that isn't in dairy products. Which sucks because I am a major fan of cheese. Oh well... :(

1 comment:

  1. You don't get nauseous from lactose intolerance. It is a lot more unpleasant. I really wouldn't jump to conclusions like that. Trust me, it is probably just some stomach poo from stress.
